ZIO - C++ interface to ZeroMQ and Zyre.
ZIO provides a high-level interface to ZeroMQ, Zyre and implements some patterns described in the zguide. It also provides a ported graph model for constructing a network topology. Some of the features ZIO provides include:
- A "logger object" type interface to emitting messages supporting both free form text strings as well as structured data metrics (outbox).
- A high level, but still general message format (messages and format)
- An interface to Zyre peer discovery, persistence and reaction (peer)
- A "ported graph" abstraction which provides network topology self-assembly and which may be used to develop distributed applications that follow the data flow programming paradigm (node and port).
- A C++ API (also see doxygen) and matching Python package
- A Python flow broker bringing together flow clients and flow handlers in a pluggable manner.
- A Python task broker implementing a modified version of ZeroMQ's majordomo broker (WIP).
There's also some half-backed / in-progress ideas.
- An RPC'ish pattern roam.
See the navigation links for other ways to enter the documentation.
Known applications of ZIO include:
- The `zio` subpackage in WCT.