DAQ Object Schema

Table of Contents


In the DAQ we will have various entities (applications, services, etc) which must share data objects. We describe the structure of these objects with a (meta) data structure called a "schema". Schema is like a "contract" honored by all that share objects which are derived from or validated by a schema. From this schema we may also generate C++ structures, object serialization methods, structure documentation, actual object instances and other artifacts.

Implementation of appfwk::DAQModules generally require some configuration. The configuration comes from the end user or run control and is an object that is governed by schema. This document gives a brief "howto" showing how to provide the needed schema.

Some details are a work in progress. Expect some evolution.

We now walk through how to write our own schema for a DAQModule.


For now we place our schema files in a schema/ directory of the same source package that holds our DAQModule implementation. For example, in a package called mypackage with a module called MyModule abbreviated as mm we might make:

$ cd mypackage/
$ mkdir schema
$ emacs schema/mypackage-mm-schema.jsonnet

The exact file name is not critical. The example shows the current convention.

The rest of this document will make use of the real FakeDataConsumerDAQModule provided in appfwk/test.


Jsonnet language is like "JSON plus functions". It is a "pure functional" language and is focused on making it easy to create expressive data structures. Jsonnet is "small" language and to write schema files one only needs to understand a fraction which will be described below. The Jsonnet tutorial and standard library documentation are very good resources for learning more.

Compiling a Jsonnet "program" thus results in a data structure and typically output in JSON format. We may use the jsonnet or moo (or other) command line programs to "compile" or otherwise consume the Jsonnet code.

Schema definition structure

Ultimately, our schema is defined as an array of objects where each object describes a type and a type is an instance of a schema class. We have a fixed set of schema classes to choose from. They include: number, string, record, sequence and others. A full list is given in the moo object schema page. One particular type may refer to other types. For example, a record is composed of fields each of which references their type. Although we end up with an array of types, in order to easily reference, we will first make an intermediate object of types.

Schema Preamble

We start out by importing helper code from moo:

local moo = import "moo.jsonnet";

Then we define the base "path" and make a "schema factory" object rooted on that path:

local ns = "dunedaq.appfwk.fdc";
local s = moo.oschema.schema(ns);

These variables are local meaning they will not be directly accessible by other Jsonnet files that may use this file. But they can be simply referenced elsewhere in the file.

The ns variable holds a "base path" for our schema types. As may be guessed, this maps to a C++ namespace when the schema is used to generate C++ code. A "path" is also used in the Jsonnet to refer to a type that may be defined elsewhere. Every type will carry its path in a .path attribute.

Schema body

We now get to the main body of the schema definition

local fdc = {

    size: s.number("Size", "u8",
                   doc="A count of very many things"),

    count : s.number("Count", "i4",
                     doc="A count of not too many things"),

    conf: s.record("Conf",  [
        s.field("nIntsPerVector", self.size, 10,
                doc="Number of numbers"),
        s.field("starting_int", self.count, -4,
                doc="Number to start with"),
        s.field("ending_int", self.count, 14,
                doc="Number to end with"),
        s.field("queue_timeout_ms", self.count, 100,
                doc="Milliseconds to wait on queue before timing out"),
    ], doc="Fake Data Consumer DAQ Module Configuration"),


This temporary fdc object holds three types. When referred to by the local attribute keys they are:

a number of Numpy-style dtype "u8"
another number of dtype "i4"
a record with various fields, each with a type

A few things to note about the types:

  • a type has a name given as the first argument to its construction function
  • a type may have a doc which is a short description ("docstring").

The type held in the conf key is a record named Conf (fully qualified, dunedaq.appfwk.fdc.Conf). A record holds an array of fields. Each field itself has a type which is specified as a reference by naming an attribute key, eg self.count. Fields may also be given a doc.

Finishing the schema

We now come to the last line in our Jsonnet program which prepares our final array of types. It is:

moo.oschema.sort_select(fdc, ns)

The fdc is our temporary working object and the ns is again the "base path" defined at the top of the file. The sort_select() function will:

  • perform a topological sort on the graph formed by the types and any type references they hold
  • return the sorted list with any types that reside outside the "base path" removed.

Compiled result

Normally we will leave the schema in this Jsonnet form as moo can read it directly. It is sometimes instructive to see the result of "compiling" the Jsonnet program to JSON. It is also important to do this frequently while developing the schema to assure there are no syntax or other errors. Here is one command to run and its full JSON output:

moo compile appfwk-fdc-schema.jsonnet
        "deps": [],
        "doc": "A count of very many things",
        "dtype": "u8",
        "name": "Size",
        "path": [
        "schema": "number"
        "deps": [],
        "doc": "A count of not too many things",
        "dtype": "i4",
        "name": "Count",
        "path": [
        "schema": "number"
        "deps": [
        "doc": "Fake Data Consumer DAQ Module Configuration",
        "fields": [
                "default": 10,
                "doc": "Number of numbers",
                "item": "dunedaq.appfwk.fdc.Size",
                "name": "nIntsPerVector"
                "default": -4,
                "doc": "Number to start with",
                "item": "dunedaq.appfwk.fdc.Count",
                "name": "starting_int"
                "default": 14,
                "doc": "Number to end with",
                "item": "dunedaq.appfwk.fdc.Count",
                "name": "ending_int"
                "default": 100,
                "doc": "Milliseconds to wait on queue before timing out",
                "item": "dunedaq.appfwk.fdc.Count",
                "name": "queue_timeout_ms"
        "name": "Conf",
        "path": [
        "schema": "record"

Never edit this JSON file nor any other generated files. Besides being painful to edit JSON compared to Jsonnet, it is the Jsonnet that is definitive. It is used in other contexts so editing the JSON will break the contract that the schema represents. In other words: if you edit the JSON you'll likely crash the DAQ!

Code generating

One primary purpose of schema is to generate code. This is done by using moo to apply the schema data structure to a template file. The template file is essentially a code file (eg, a C++ header file) with additional markup in a meta language (moo uses Jinja2).

Currently, for each schema we generate two code files.

a C++ header file with C++ struct and using type aliases for each type in our schema.
short for nlohmann::json and a C++ header file holding to_json() and from_json() function definitions that allow serialization of the types defined in struct.

Running the code generator will be integrated into our CMake build. Until that support is ready we will generate code somewhat manually with the help of a little schema/generate.sh script that will be customized to each package and using the one provided by appfwk as a starting point.

Also until we integrate the codegen with CMake we will actually commit the generated headers to the source repository so that builds will be successful. Normally, one should not commit generated files to code repositories and we will cease doing this when CMake integration is ready.

Although it is easy to run generate, the developer must remember to re-run it each time any change to a schema is made in order that the generated files are updated. The rest of this section describes the generate.sh used in appfwk.

An example of a moo command line for code generation is:

moo -g /lang:ocpp.jsonnet \                     # 1
    -M /home/bv/dev/moo/examples/oschema \      # 2
    -T /home/bv/dev/moo/examples/oschema \      # 3
    -M /home/bv/dev/dune-daq/sv/appfwk/schema \ # 4
    -A path=dunedaq.appfwk.fdc \                # 5
    -A ctxpath=dunedaq \                        # 6
    -A os=appfwk-fdc-schema.jsonnet \           # 7
  render omodel.jsonnet ostructs.hpp.j2 \       # 8
                                        \       # 9
  > /home/bv/dev/dune-daq/sv/appfwk/test/appfwk/fdc/Structs.hpp

Some implementation details are exposed in this example and the develop need not attempt to understand everything but for completeness the command line is explained.

  1. we "graft" on some supporting utility Jsonnet function provided by moo at a location in the "model" (see note below)
  2. set a path in which to find models (Jsonnet files)
  3. set a path in which to find templates (Jinja files)
  4. find our schema files
  5. Set a "top-level argument" (TLA) path which names the a "base path"
  6. Set a TLA which names a "context path"
  7. Set a TLA to provide our schema
  8. The render command applies the model (first file) to the template (second file)
  9. The output of this is then redirected by generate.sh to a header file.

A "model" is an overall data structure in a form expected by the template. We use a model called omodel.jsonnet which defines a Jsonnet top-level function which expects to receive our schema data structure as a top-level argument (TLA). Thus the model's function "glues" our schema data structure into the structure that is actually required by the template.

Object generating

The codegen schema described above satisfies the "consumer" end of a contract. We must also satisfy a "producer" end when we create actual command objects. That is, we must be able to produce a data structure such when fed through the processing inside appfwk the right bits pop out to our DAQModule configuration handling method.

How we best do this is still in development. Eventually we will have a "configuration editor" application. What follows is just one way to do things with Jsonnet. A Python-centric approach is also under development.

The main appfwk program daq_application accepts a command sequence which is simply a number of command objects consumed in some serial fashion. Many interfaces for consuming command objects exist and are in development (file based, HTTP/REST server based).

Each command object is composed of an ID (init, conf, etc) and a payload. The structure of the payoad depends on the command ID. In some commands (notably conf) a portion of the payload is "addressed" to be delivered to an instance of our DAQModule and the structure of this portion is governed by the schema we wrote above.

To help make correct command objects, we may use a set of Jsonnet functions. These reflect the structure of schema. We'll focus on a job called "fdpc" which combines two DAQModule instances: one of the FakeDataProducerDAQModule implementation and one of FakeDataConsumerDAQModule.

Here, we build our command sequence as a JSON Array (a JSON Stream is also possible). Let's walk through the Jsonnet defining the sequence.

First the preamble

local moo = import "moo.jsonnet";

local cmd = import "appfwk-cmd-make.jsonnet";
local fdp = import "appfwk-fdp-make.jsonnet";
local fdc = import "appfwk-fdc-make.jsonnet";

local qname = "hose";            // the name of the single queue in this job

The *-make.jsonnet modules provide functions which reflect the schema. The cmd schema governs the internals of appfwk while fdp and fdc cover their associated DAQModule implementations. The qname is a name of an appfwk Queue that is needed in a few places.

What follows is an array ([...]), each element is a command object which we will take in turn.

cmd.init([cmd.qspec("hose", "StdDeQueue", 10)],
         [cmd.mspec("fdp", "FakeDataProducerDAQModule",
                    cmd.qinfo(fdp.queue, qname, cmd.qdir.output)),
          cmd.mspec("fdc", "FakeDataConsumerDAQModule",
                    cmd.qinfo(fdc.queue, qname, cmd.qdir.input))]),

The cmd.init() function takes two arguments, a list of "queue specs" and a list of "module specs". Instances of each speck type can be also constructed with a corresponding function. The use of these functions can catch some mistakes early.

A qspec() function returns an object defining an appfwk queue, giving it a name, a "kind" and a capacity. A mspec() returns an object holding information needed to instantiate and initialize a DAQModule instance. A name and "kind" are given as well as one or a list of "queue info" as returned by the qinfo() function. Queue info is standardized information needed to locate a module's queue. The, eg, fdc.queue gives a "label" which is also hard-wired into the module's C++. The module can then associate this known label with the qname ("hose" in this case). Finally a queue info is tagged as being for an "input" or an "output" queue.

The module developer must write C++ code to make use of this queue info. appfwk provides some helper functions. Most expected handling of this information in the module C++ is expected to be very general and may itself be provided as generated code in the future.

We next continue to defining the conf command object.

cmd.conf([cmd.mcmd("fdp", fdp.conf(10,-4,14)),
          cmd.mcmd("fdc", fdc.conf(10,-4,14))]),

The cmd.mcmd() wraps is arguments in the correct structure expected by appfwk for the portion of a conf command payload meant for each module. The main information is provided by the module-specific make helpers, eg fdc.conf(). Let's look a that function:

// Make a conf object for FDC
conf(nper, beg, end, toms=100) :: {
    nIntsPerVector: nper, starting_int: beg, ending_int: end,
    queue_timeout_ms: toms, 

You may compare this construction schema function to what is defined in the corresponding codegen schema shows above to see it matches.

This construction schema function was hand-written. Means to automatically define it based on codegen schema is a work in progress.


Due to the nature of the appfwk code, the codegen schema must have type-free breaks in the overall command object schema. Thus, using that same schema to validate a command object will be weak (any data will fit the "any" types). A more explicit validation schema is made as an extension to the codegen schema.

This is still a work in progress.


Finally, we may run something:

$ moo compile appfwk/schema/fdpc-job.jsonnet > fdpc-job.json
$ daq_application --commandFacility file://fdpc-job.json

Author: Brett Viren

Created: 2020-09-30 Wed 15:23
