Installation notes for SL7

1 Overview

The dependencies for cogs are few. cogs as a library needs:

  • ERS
  • nlohmann::json

To build the cogs demo, additionally:

  • Avro CPP

To rerun the demo's codegen, additionally:

  • moo


2 Environment

2.1 Base OS

This guide is for SL7 (or similar) base OS. If your native OS is not SL7 one method to test this guide is with a minimal Docker or Singularity container and use Fermilab UPS products from CVMFS to fill in the gaps by running something like:

$ singularity exec --bind /cvmfs /path/to/sl7.simg env -i bash --rcfile login.rc

The login.rc just sets PS1 to something reasonable.

2.2 Prepare

Some environment setup is needed. How much depends on how much of cogs to test. A full setup script with guiding comments:

# Build dev packages from source and install to a "TOP" directory
export TOP=$(pwd)
export PATH=$PATH:$TOP/bin

# Just for cogs we need ERS and ERS needs BOOST
source /cvmfs/
setup ers v0_26_00 -q e19:prof
setup boost v1_70_0 -q e19:prof

# For cogs demo we need cmake to build Avro CPP:
setup cmake v3_17_2

# For moo we need a supported Python version, take from larsoft
setup python v3_7_2

# See guide on how this gets created and populated
if [ -d "$TOP/venv" ] ; then
    source $TOP/venv/bin/activate
    echo "moo not yet installed: $TOP/venv"

Use like:

$ mkdir /path/to/work
$ cd /path/to/work
$ source /path/to/wherever/

3 Avro CPP

Avro CPP is only needed to build and run the cogs demo. It is not needed for the cogs library.

$ wget
$ tar -xf avro-cpp-1.9.2.tar.gz
$ mkdir avro-cpp-1.9.2/build
$ cd avro-cpp-1.9.2/build
$ make -j$(nproc) install

There's some garbage going on with CMake and Boost (there always some garbage with CMake) which is why the nonsensical -DBoost_NO_BOOST_CMAKE=ON option is required here.

You should now have Avro CPP codegen compiler:

$ avrogencpp 
Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]                       produce help message
  -p [ --include-prefix ] arg (=avro) prefix for include headers, - for none, 
                                      default: avro
  -U [ --no-union-typedef ]           do not generate typedefs for unions in 
  -n [ --namespace ] arg              set namespace for generated code
  -i [ --input ] arg                  input file
  -o [ --output ] arg                 output file to generate

4 moo

Moo is a Python package (which means Python3 as Python2 has ceased). The package should build from source in any of the "usual" Python manners. In future it may be provided from PyPI. Here is one example:

$ python -m venv $TOP/venv
$ source $TOP/venv/bin/activate
$ git clone
$ pip install -e .  

Note: if using the setup script above, next time you use it this area will be activated.

The moo command should now be available:

$ moo
Usage: moo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  moo command line interface

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  compile      Compile a model to JSON
  imports      Emit a list of imports required by the model
  many         Render many files
  render       Render a template against a model.
  render-many  Render many files for a project.
  validate     Validate a model against a schema

5 Nlohmann's JSON

Ultimately, this is just a single header.

$ mkdir -p $TOP/include/nlohmann
$ wget -O $TOP/include/nlohmann/json.hpp

6 cogs library

The cogs package is built with plain Waf.

$ wget -O $TOP/bin/waf
$ chmod +x $TOP/bin/waf
$ waf --version
waf 2.0.20 (668769470956da8c5b60817cb8884cd7d0f87cd4)

Now cogs:

$ cd $TOP
$ git clone
$ cd cogs
$ waf --help
## no demo
$ waf configure --prefix=$TOP \
   --with-ers=$ERS_FQ_DIR \
   --with-boost=$BOOST_FQ_DIR \
   --with-nljs=$TOP \
## with demo
$ waf configure --prefix=$TOP \
   --with-ers=$ERS_FQ_DIR \
   --with-boost=$BOOST_FQ_DIR \
   --with-nljs=$TOP \
# waf install

If Avro is not found, only cogs library and not the demo will be built and installed. If the demo is built then it can be checked with:

$ cogs-demo
2020-Jun-27 19:54:47,027 INFO [main(...) at unknown/demo/cogs-demo.cpp:12] usage: cogs-demo <uri>

7 Tree

For reference, the resulting installation tree looks like:

$ tree bin include lib lib64
├── avrogencpp
├── cogs-demo
└── waf
├── avro
│   ├── AvroParse.hh
│   ├── AvroSerialize.hh
│   ├── AvroTraits.hh
│   ├── buffer
│   │   ├── Buffer.hh
│   │   ├── BufferPrint.hh
│   │   ├── BufferReader.hh
│   │   ├── BufferStreambuf.hh
│   │   ├── BufferStream.hh
│   │   └── detail
│   │       ├── BufferDetail.hh
│   │       └── BufferDetailIterator.hh
│   ├── Compiler.hh
│   ├── Config.hh
│   ├── DataFile.hh
│   ├── Decoder.hh
│   ├── Encoder.hh
│   ├── Exception.hh
│   ├── GenericDatum.hh
│   ├── Generic.hh
│   ├── Layout.hh
│   ├── LogicalType.hh
│   ├── NodeConcepts.hh
│   ├── Node.hh
│   ├── NodeImpl.hh
│   ├── Parser.hh
│   ├── Reader.hh
│   ├── Resolver.hh
│   ├── ResolverSchema.hh
│   ├── ResolvingReader.hh
│   ├── Schema.hh
│   ├── SchemaResolution.hh
│   ├── Serializer.hh
│   ├── Specific.hh
│   ├── Stream.hh
│   ├── Types.hh
│   ├── Validator.hh
│   ├── ValidSchema.hh
│   ├── Writer.hh
│   └── Zigzag.hh
├── cogs
│   ├── configurable.hpp
│   ├── issues.hpp
│   ├── object.hpp
│   └── stream.hpp
└── nlohmann
    └── json.hpp
├── libavrocpp_s.a
├── ->

5 directories, 50 files

Author: BV

Created: 2020-06-28 Sun 17:30
