Tutorial on using GStreamer Python Bindings (org-mode version)

This repository holds a tutorial on using the Python bindings for GStreamer 1.0 (re)written in Emacs org-mode.

Note: this was mostly an exercise for me to learn the topic. There is hardly any novel work here.

The main document is ./pygst-tutorial.html. An HTML export of this document is also committed but may not always be up to date. You can read it online at:


Or you can download the document as a PDF.

The starting point for this document was Ruben Gonzalez's rescue from Google's cache of the original by Jens Persson. This document differs in:

Other useful sources of info on using GStreamer 1.0 Python bindings:

Author: Brett Viren

Created: 2015-01-04 Sun 15:53

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5a)
